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Balancing Work, Family Life, and Education

Date: August 15, 2023

Balancing work, family life, and education is a challenging Tetris game many individuals face today. As a college student, managing these critical aspects can be like balancing moving hot plates in the air. Dropping one can be damaging and affect the whole load. However, achieving harmony even under pressure with proper planning and dedication is possible. This article discusses practical strategies for balancing work and family life while pursuing your education.

Key One: Time Management

Firstly, one key to balancing those plates is time management. Creating and sticking to a schedule can help ensure time and space for the necessary items. According to CFI, time management garners stress relief, more time, more opportunities, and the ability to release goals.1 The same article indicates implications for poor time management, including poor workflow, wasted time, loss of control, poor quality of work, and poor reputation.1

Balancing Work, Family Life, and Education | Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts

Setting aside specific blocks of time for each vital life area is essential. Schedule your most important and crucial items at the start of every month. Essential items must be done, or “the plate stops spinning.” I.e., grocery shopping, paying your rent or mortgage, or taking one’s child to school.

Then add secondary items. These items should be done, but the time for doing so is optional, such as vacuuming the floor, answering an email, or washing the car.

Finally, sprinkle in one or two things that give you joy. I.e., reading a chapter in your favorite novel. Leave some time for unexpected occurrences or emergencies. While prioritizing and organizing tasks, you can fulfill your essential responsibilities honorably without becoming overwhelmed.

Key Two: Setting Achievable Goals

Secondly, setting realistic expectations is essential when balancing workload, familial duties, and study time. While juggling your “plates,” remember to break down your main goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Be reasonable instead of heroic. When you have done this well, celebrate. When you have done this poorly, remember there’s always tomorrow. An incremental approach helps one stay on track and provides a sense of accomplishment, motivating you to keep moving forward.

Hint: You may want to “tease” your brain by completing smaller tasks first. Then, when you have to tackle something significant, you’ll feel empowered by your sense of accomplishment. This can go far in helping you check off all those tasks.

Key Three: Communication

Thirdly, a strategy for maintaining a healthy school, work, and life balance is effectively communicating with all your networks. Informing family members and employers about your commitments helps them understand and provide the necessary support. Generally speaking, when people appreciate your story and your situation, they are more willing to offer helpful tips and solutions.

A support system is created by openly discussing your workload and responsibilities. Additionally, communicating any challenges or conflicts early on can avert future misunderstandings later. I.e., The one day you’re late to work because of a sick child doesn’t become a crisis but something everyone works through.

Communication allows everyone to feel they are working toward a common goal. It also helps team players understand how important they are to your team.

Key Four: Take Care of You

Fourthly, even though you are taking on a lot and have very little disposable time, looking after yourself physically and mentally is crucial. While scheduling a walk during finals may seem counterintuitive, a trip out in the fresh air may be just the thing you need to think about better. Prioritizing self-care activities such as exercise, a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep can provide the necessary energy to manage your schedule more effectively.

Furthermore, engaging in hobbies or activities that help relax and rejuvenate can significantly contribute to your mental well-being, reduce stress, and even increase productivity. I.e., you may do better on a test because you took time to sleep the night before.

“No.” This word is small but mighty.

A student handles academic pursuits in between working from home (WFH) | Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts

Key Five: Say No

Fifthly, to balance work, family life, and education, it is equally important to learn to say “no” when necessary. This word is small but mighty. If you have three main plates spinning, you must navigate, pull another into the mix, or put down a plate. Life is a tradeoff.

Taking on too many commitments can spread oneself too thin and ultimately compromise the quality of your work and life. Take a long hard look at your priorities. Say “no” to the good and “yes” to the best. By learning to decline additional responsibilities that do not align with your goals, you can ensure that your time and energy go to the right things, areas, and places.


Balancing the scales of work/career, family, and life | Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts


In conclusion, balancing work, family life, and education is daunting. However, with effective time management skills, realistic goal setting, open communication, proper self-care, and learning to say “no,” it is possible to achieve a healthy balance. As a college student, practicing these strategies will help you succeed in academic pursuits and go far in maintaining healthy relationships with your family and fulfilling your work-related responsibilities. Balance may be achieved, goals can be realized, and family members can stay connected.

One day, you will look back with nostalgia and a laugh at the chaos. If done well, in place of one spinning plate, there will be a diploma.~

By Cindy R. Chamberlin.
1^a, b CFI Team. “Time Management.” Corporate Finance Institute (CFI), CFI Education Inc. October 26, 2022. (Accessed August 14, 2023.)


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